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Sunday, July 16, 2023
7-8:30 PM
Home of Patti and Mitch Davis
Sandy Kress
"What I've Learned from Teaching Jewish Texts to Christians"
Sandy Kress devoted much of his professional life to educational reform and accountability. He served as President of the Dallas Public Schools, chaired the State Commission for a College Ready Texas, and served as Senior Education Adviser to President George W. Bush, helping to develop and pass No Child Left Behind. 
In recent years, Sandy has devoted enormous time and energy to the study of Jewish sacred texts and to teaching in church, synagogue, neighborhood and university settings. Along with his wife Camille, the Kresses have become significant participants in the educational work of both the Tikvah Fund, and the Institute on Religion and Public Life.
RSVP for Address in Northwest Austin
Open to Adult Men and Women Congregants and Prospective Members

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Please list names if you'll be bringing along any prospective members. 


Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785