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Chevrah Together Fundraiser Sponsor Enrollment


If you are a member of Tiferet Israel, many of the fields below will be prefilled with your information if you login first.  Logged-in members can also arrange to pay in the future.  You can login using the Login button in the upper right corner of this page.

Sponsorship levels are available as follows:
Level Donation # of tickets included¹
Titanium² $10,000 10 plus dedication of a new Memorial Board
Platinum $5,400 10 plus dedication on new High Holiday Podium Wrap
Gold $3,600 10
Silver $1,800 8
Nickel $1,000
Bronze $540
  ¹ Tickets may be used by family members or given to non-CTI families
  ² A maximum of 1 Titanium Sponsorship is available

Toddlers (ages 4 and under), may also attend select events.  There is no charge for toddlers.  However, reservations must be made for them.  

Click here if you would like to see a description of the events.

Click here if you would prefer to purchase individual tickets instead.
We are sorry but only one Titanium Sponsorship is available and it has already been spoken for.  Please consider another category.
Note: You do not have to select all of the events you want to attend at this time, though we prefer you do so now.  Event reservations are on a first-come first-served basis.  You can send an email to at a later date to complete the list of events you want to participate in.  Make sure to include the name and email address of the intended ticket holder.
Information for First Ticket

Information for Second Ticket

Information for Third Ticket

Information for Fourth Ticket

Information for Fifth Ticket

Information for Sixth Ticket

Information for Seventh Ticket

Information for Eighth Ticket

Information for Ninth Ticket

Information for Tenth Ticket

Information for First Toddler Ticket

Information for Second Toddler Ticket

Information for Third Toddler Ticket

Total contribution:
The amount of the contribution that is deductible for Federal income tax purposes is limited to the excess of the amount of the contribution by the donor over the value of the goods or services provided by CTI. The value of goods and services provided varies by event.  Per ticket reserved the value is: Belly Dancing $25, Firearm Safety & Target Practice $17.50, Moroccan Cooking Class $10, Photography $69, and Whiskey Tasting $40.
If you are a CTI member and desire to pay by credit card or check in the future please log in first.  If you are not logged in, you will need to make an immediate payment either directly through Paypal or with your own credit card (choose "Checkout as Guest" on the Paypal login page).


Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785